Everything is Created, Nothing is Destroyed
Let’s Patch it up
You can make cleaning rags from old shirts; soft rags from old pullovers are excellent for polishing silverware. Place an old T-shirt, unwashed, in your dog’s basket or kennel: he will miss you less when you are away!
Let’s Make over the Leftovers
Have you got some leftovers from last night's supper? You can transform them into a pie, an omelette or a quiche. Add a few ingredients, and let the magic happen!
You can reuse paper bags in the kitchen to absorb the fat of your fried food, also cleaning the pan afterwards; old newspapers can be used to clean mirrors and windows; you can take notes on the back of a sheet of paper that you no longer need.

Chairs = chains; bag = bang; skirt = shirt ; bread = beard; doll = dull; cake =